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30.000 readers for digital evening edition dS Avond one month after launch

30 May 2013
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dS Avond, the digital-only evening edition of De Standaard, has taken off in a suprisingly strong way. Only one month after launch the publication reached a total of 30.000 readers. “During the first month free trial period, an average of 17.500 readers downloaded and consumed the publication on a daily basis”, says Karel Verhoeven, Editor-in-Chief of De Standaard. More than 60% of the readers view dS Avond within the tablet apps. Approximately 40% of the consumption is PC-based.

To put these results into a broader perspective, De Standaard has communicated the following figures with respect to its digital publications:

  • the digital edition of the morning edition of De Standaard is downloaded 10.000 times on a daily basis
  • 6.000 readers have a digital-only subscription
  • 80.000 readers have a combined digital and paper subscription
  • 13.000 readers have a print-only subscription

dS Avond has been specifically designed for tablets, with a lot of attention to astonishing photography, interactive articles, easy-to-read layout, infographics and a tablet optimized crossword. dS Avond embraces the context of the tablets in their design and content. The published stories are exclusively created for dS Avond and do not appear on the news website or in the morning newspaper.

De Standaard uses the Twipe Digital Publishing platform to produce dS Avond as a NextGen publication on Tablets and on Desktop. “We strongly believe in working together with strong partners such as Twipe to achieve our innovation targets,” says Luc Missorten, CEO at Corelio Media.

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